I therefore resolved to go to Jesus as I was, a vile sinner, saying to myself,
"Perhaps he will admit my plea,
Perhaps will hear my prayer,
But if I perish, I will pray
And perish only there"
My will was broken, my heart was bowed, & I gave myself to him to be disposed of by him as he pleased, & I found he was ready to receive me with open arms. I was soon filled with that "joy which the world could neither give nor take away" Tho I could not tell the instant when the day dawned, yet I could perceive that the Sun of righteousness had arisen in my heart. It was a still small voice that whispered to me, but it spoke such loving words, that I could not but break forth in a song of praise to that Lamb which was slain for us. I saw a beauty & excellency in the character of the Saviour that my tongue could not utter. He was indeed the chiefest among ten thousands & altogether lovely. I was in a new world, the Bible which had formerly been an uninteresting &